Where we're going
After almost 60 years of writing letters and lobbying
governments on our Members' behalf, of offering forums for opposing
viewpoints and presenting quality seminars and workshops to small
businesses - we find
ourselves evolving into something more than just a Chamber of Commerce!
And as the public recognizes that unique positioning within the
community, our Members' Roster continues to expand.
This year - as we widen our representation from the agricultural and
fishing communities and from seasonal business operators - we
anticipate an increase from our current 82 to at least 100.
And, as we all know... the greater the number of voices,
the more likely we are to be heard!
Our continuing resolve is:
- to bolster the south shore's economic future through
communication, education and promotion,
- to act as liaison between the business community and
our Provincial and Atlantic Chambers of Commerce,
- to lobby various government ministers, departments
and agencies,
- to provide speakers who can acquaint our members with
local, provincial and federal issues that impact on our community, and
- to leave our descendants with as clean and healthy an
environment as the one we were bequeathed.
Today's South Shore Chamber of Commerce membership is
comprised of small business operators and entrepreneurs, plus a few
professionals. We also value the contribution made by our individual
members - many of them retired, who possess
a collective wealth of knowledge and experience.
Our Board of Directors is currently five
in number:
President: Marion Miller
Vice-President: Gertie Campbell
Administrator: Cathie Thomas
Treasurer: Evelyn Rogerson (Beauty Salon Operator)
Website Co-ordinator: Colleen Wise (ESL teacher)
Member at Large & Chair Nominations Committee: Marion MacDonald
And... for certain special tasks that arise from time
to time, we also draw on a pool of talented volunteers.
If you would like to become involved, and if your home
or business location qualifies you for membership, please check out the
benefits we offer and contact Evelyn Rogerson (658 - 2878).
(Special non-resident memberships are available to members in good
standing of other chambers or to individuals considering future
Island residency.)